Folks won’t allow it! 

The Association for Political Education is organising an experiential workshop for everyone who works with young people!

Participants will receive first-hand experience of innovative methods for guiding children and adults through the history of the twentieth century.

The workshop, which will be introduced by the Czech organisation Post Bellum, will allow participants to enter the mind of one student who stands before an important decision – to hold to his views and fight for them, or to give in to the crowd?
What all must he consider? What are the stakes?
The workshop includes a methodological analysis of the programme.

The workshop is in English.

Here the core information:
• Date: March 22, 2016 at 4 p.m.
• Location: Universităţii Str., No. 7–9, Cluj-Napoca, Gutenberg Headquarters
• max. 15–20 participants
• taught by Martina Curdová (drama workshop instructor) and Helena Brožková (experiential workshop instructor), Post Bellum, Czech Republic